
hye babes and dudes!
seriously i dah lame ta singgah blog ni..
well...im doing good..and very-very good..
hmm..what happen in 2010?
theres alot of tragedis .. sadness and also happiness..

contohnya lah eyt..
my relationship with friends..i mean "girlfriends"
hahaha..what can i say bout it huh?
cam TAIK..!!

OMG! at lastt! i ckp jugak meyh..
tp tu yg lah yg jadikk..
hmm..dunno lah ehh..
since i kecik till dah beso nk tuo ni still ade mslh dgn "girlfriend"
jaat sgt ke i ni?
bukan ape lah..this time i kne tuduh BACKSTABBER!
wohohoho..'wachaout' with that word hah!

eh..come on lah..
kite ni dah 20 weh...
please be matured!
ni ta..dgr skit cite ta best dah tuduh macam-macam..
cmtuh ehh perangai perempuan?
adoikk..i bukan na tunjuk baek lah eyy..
tp i ni jenis yg payah na touching..
bile bnde ni dah kne kat batang idung sendri..
still..i ta ase pape..
rase biase je..
tadehal sampi na perli-perli kat FACEBOOK ke ape..
